Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Battle Hymn of the Confused

It has been awhile since I last posted anything, almost a month to be exact. I hope you are all still checking, but even if you don't, I still love witting. It has been crazy over the past few weeks. Here is something that I wrote recently. I hope it gives you something to chew on.

Anger from each side
swells and subsides
as melancholy aspirations
which fill time and space
thoughts from within the mind
are expressed as feelings from the soul

I sit and watch this war of sounds
My place is within the silence
to speak would choose sides
which I have no place or allegiance

so I sit, wait and listen.

The battle wages,
banners are raised high and scream
as the wind projects there cries

Trumpets blaze, drowning out each other
there sounds grow in intensity
the brass rings and pops
from the forced breathes that
produce the blare

The fight begins.

Swords are drawn high
there tips pierce the sky
and make the rays of the sun appear
to bleed

Shields are held tight against their chest
strong circular pieces of steel
embroidered with their names and
have detailed pictures imprinted within the grain

Their faces do not move
eyes sing their battle cries
of frustration, manipulation and fear
staring down the other
their lips curl to one side
pausing to speak where words fail

Their hearts beat in off rhythms
pounding out the
steady, strong, solid,
reverberations of silent thought

Soft beads of water pool and slide
down the crevasses of their skin

The time has come
someone must move
vibrations must be projected

one side calculates their attack
each step is planned and precise
they make their first move

The other side, defensive,
static, erratic,
every choice is

And so they fight

I listen and hear
the air becomes cold
as one spits ice that burns the soul
the other freezes
receives the attack and prepares to heal
but soon is burned by fire from the lips of their attacker
its flames melt the ice
and leaves open wounds



breathless and weak

Scars form and deform
the victor is not proud but stoic
unsure of what occurred

one falls because of hurt
the other because of realization

I sit, listen and watch
as air escapes the one
lungs collapse and eyes close

the other falls to their knees
their heart breaks
tears slide from their eyes
and pool on the ground
the battle is over
no one won

and I am
and wonder what was gained?


Lauren said...

Joshua, I enjoyed the poem.

I feel like I can relate to it.

I like.."Swords are drawn high
there tips pierce the sky
and make the rays of the sun appear
to bleed" I think "sun" is really the "son". like people fight, and it hurts Jesus, because he doesn't want to see people fight.

"one falls because of hurt
the other because of realization"

You're right...Fighting NEVER solves anything; "and wonder what was gained?". Sometimes you need to learn to move on and Forgive, and don't continue to Fight...Just quit.

Your writing puts a movie in my head. I can picture a War.

I enjoyed it.

you know usually during movies I fall asleep, or get sidetracked... but your movie didn't put me to sleep. lol

Have Fun in Florida. We're praying for You and Andrea.

hope said...

hmmmm....very interesting. I liked this one a lot. i liked:

"I listen and hear
the air becomes cold
as ***one spits ice that burns the soul
the other freezes
receives the attack and prepares to heal
but soon is burned by fire from the lips of their attacker
its flames melt the ice
and leaves open wounds***"

such cool wording. I agree with lauren, it created a vivid picture in my mind.

i wouldnt say fighting NEVER solves anything....there were times in the bible that God called a nation to war because nothing else seemed to work and the end result was good. that's not to say that too often fights or battles or maybe even war happens and it doesnt seem to make a bit of difference in the end. it's frustrating. your poem does a good job depicting that. you're very talented. i miss you and drea and think about you often. hope your doing well.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...


I thank you for your comments. I agree, fighting is a tough situation. It rarely fixes issues but sometimes it is needed. I guess I struggle because it seems like there are so many needless fights within our lifetimes.

Kiersten Blaire said...

Joshua, I love your talent when it comes to writing poetry. You have the gift of painting vivid mental pictures. I always enjoy reading your works of art. I really liked this poem- it seemed like a lot of emotion was behind it. Thank you for posting great stuff like this that gives us something to chew on for the rest of the day!!

David "Tyrone" said...

Josh, I can relate this poem to the worthlessness of fighting denominations. It's almost an exact replica of what goes on between "christians" that think they know how everything works. You see that there is always a struggle between charismatic and non-charismatic, liberals and conservatives, total free will and calvanists. I think we should drop these name tags that many of us nowadays are born into and bear just because momma and daddy said that's how it is. There's one lyric in a Lecrae song that says "We're not talking about the god momma and daddy told you about." I laugh at this, because it's true... Not to say that our parents are wrong by any means, but the question is.. Are we willing to take the word of someone else in flesh and not check them on it in the Word of God? So often I think we let everyone tell us what we believe that we forget what it is exactly that we do believe. So in turn we begin to rely on fleshly rules for being "spiritual"... The end result? So many denominations and churches, yet so few christians. Here's truth. If anyone is willing to let someone tell them something about God and doesn't care to check them in the Word of God on that, you're burrying yourself in a hole of fleshly justified sin(We do this enough without the help of other people). This includes, pastors, bible study leaders, family, and friends. Anyone that tells you something about God without the Word is subject to be wrong. Only the Word of God is infallible, our words are just broken.. So I think if we would make the Word of God our number one authority we wouldn't have these fights that Josh's poem depicts. What would happen if would drop what we think we know and really begin to rely on God to teach us truth through His Word?

Anonymous said...

And you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through your flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You’ll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.
And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what storm is all about.
-Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

David "Tyrone" said...

Pretty cool quote Jo! It has a point. Without a strugglewould we see a need and grow to meet that need? God has so much that we'll never come close to grasping and I think it's amazing.