Friday, November 2, 2007

A poem

I am honestly nervous about this post. Just read it honestly and comment if you like.
* This was written after Pope John II past away.*

His praises rise to Heaven
tripling off the tongues of honored guest
locked within a cypress tomb,
tucked into the depths of stone
as a god, he is glorified, revered,
like a king
his subjects bending with broken backs
to kiss the feet of sanctity
Poor mourners of forgotten losses
bones do not hold the soul
where dust and moth collect
they dance alone in soil.
His life is considered righteous
concerning his deeds of grace
denied himself to loving another
given to those who know it not
as a man he is glorified, revered,
like a king
his subjects choosing their idol graves
to pretend to become holy
they stand to honor a man
judging him with tears of supposed understanding
stuck in a dark room,
blinded to a light they cannot see
Poor mourners of forgotten losses
bones do not hold the soul
where dust and moth collect
they dance alone in soil.


hope said...

i think its rediculous! humans shouldnt be praised that way. i dont care how many good deeds the guy did he's not a "god" that should be glorified. he's human and he has faults just like i do. even jesus' deciples who walked with him and actually DIED horrible deaths for him haven't been praised that way and i think the only one who will and should honor those who live and die for Christ is Christ alone. i'm sorry, maybe i'm wrong. Maybe the guy was a wonderful amazing Godly man, but he was still human and i happen to know that humans are sinful wicked creatures by nature and shouldnt be praised that way. what do you think??

hope said...

KINGS SHOULDNT EVEN BE PRAISED THAT WAY! he's a human!! he cant be that great! i'm sorry, i'll stop now. that kind of gets under my skin a little.

Anonymous said...

i'm really excited that you actually posted poetry of yours.
and i really like the flow of the poem.
i like the repition in it. it's very interesting.

i really enjoyed reading it. and i encourage more!

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

Thanks Joe,

I feel the same way, that's why I wrote it.

David "Tyrone" said...

This is why I struggle with the Catholic faith. Who is it that they worship? Our Heavenly Father, who created all things, and by His own admission and love created first the Old Covenant, and when we messed that up created the New Covenant(Christ) when He didn't have to at all. Or do they serve and worship a single man, who is no greater than any of us. No amount of "knowledge", no amount of memorized scripture, and no amount of people you claim to have led to Christ can possibly take away the fact that you are a sinner. If we base our Faith on works, are we ever going to get anywhere? IF God based salvation on works, we would all be in Hell, because none of us can live up to the 10 Commandments. So I struggle with the Pope, personally I don't see anything that amazing about the Pope. In History he sure has been able to start a few good wars that just ended up kicking Christianites name in the face later on... But the question to ask is, Don't we worship things like this ourselves? Don't we ourselves fall under the 1st Commandment just like those who praise and worship the Pope? Is it fair for us to judge when we go home and stare into a television screen instead of reading the Word? It's easy for me to smack Catholics in the face than to access my own life.. Btw, nice poem Josh.

Lauren said...

Has there always been a Pope?? Why is there a Pope?? Who came up w/ the word Pope??

I like ur poem.

I don't know what else to say cause I've been having trouble saying my opinion on anything. It's like, I want to say something, but I dont know how to say it. Idk. I think too much on what to say by the time I figure it out, everyone has moved on to another subject. I mean, this is hard enough writing right now. I don't know what's got into me, but it feels like I cant be myself anymore...I worry about other people's feelings and not hurting such and such's's hard. Sometimes I wonder why God gave me such a sensitive heart. Why do I have to be so emotional? I think too much. I'm always thinking...I worry too much too. Sometimes I feel like I'm beating myself up over stupid things...I think too much. Ok...I know this had nothing to do w/ the Pope, but it's been on my heart for a super long time and I felt like I should write it.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

thanks for the honesty. This place is for anything more than sharing what is on your heart. To answer your question, some thing Peter was the first Pope. They have been around for awhile but I do not know the exact date that the first stated Pope was made. Lauren, learn to take a breathe and just relax. I understand the desire to make people happy and the frustration with worrying over what they think.

Lauren said...


I was thinking about what you were talking about Wednesday before crosswalk with me, Haley, and Alex. I can't remember what all you said, but you said something about Us as christians should be in the word with our problems. And it made me think.

I don't go to the bible with my problems...I just mope around and cry and hope something good happens. So I thought. You know...I need to be reading.. So I opened my bible and prayed that I can get Something out of reading my bible...And God showed me this verse.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will support you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
-Psalm 55:22

I'm not positive what this verse means, but what I got out of it was go to God with your problems, believe in him, and he'll be right there with you thick and thin. Maybe the whole "never allow the righteous to be shaken" means God will give us peace when we're going through hard times. I dont know But what I do know is...If you have a problem..Talk to God and open your bible and read it. It will give you peace.

Kiersten Blaire said...

I find it interesting that you should post that Scripture verse…it was what I needed to hear. I’m currently going through a very difficult situation in my life that’s really starting to test my character and how I conduct myself. And you know, I was thinking… I too find myself moping around and being like, “This is soooo awful!!! Why is God allowing this to happen?!?!”… but then I don’t go directly to Him or His Word to find out…
I don’t know, sometimes I find it so incredibly hard to hear what He’s trying to tell me. And then I allow myself to become burdened down by what’s going on that I get even more distracted that I don’t hear Him at all. I think I really just need to work on giving it all to Him, and actually slowing down long enough to completely get away from all the noise of the world and just sit in silence and listen to what He’s got for me to hear.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

Lauren, Blare,

First of all, I can take no credit for what God did in your life. He merely placed me there and tested me to speak for His truth. I pretty much plagiarized....I think God will forgive. Lauren, you are relying on the Spirit of God to teach you and that is beautiful. If we could all begin to live in both flesh and Spirit.