Thursday, September 13, 2007

A few opening thoughts.......

I don't know if anyone will ever read any of my following comments. I just wanted to provide a place that my students and others could come and have discussions and offer insights. I have not informed anyone about this blog site, although I intend to do that immediately. Here I will post my notes from studying, thoughts and any other tid-bits that come from my heart and mind. I welcome comments and hope for discussion.

Here are just some thoughts.......things to maybe ponder and hopefully discuss.

I have often wondered why it is that we claim the greatest story ever told and the greatest truth known to mankind yet we fear telling anyone. It doesn’t seem to make sense that we would hold something so precious inside, never to give it flight.

Why do we fear so much? It consumes our lives to the point we cannot focus or function. Our Christian life becomes a compartmentalized set or buttons we pushed to make sure Jesus is pleased. The problem is that Jesus is only pleased when we do as we are called to do. Jesus is pleased when we are out doing His work and will. I guess I have become very tired of practicing Jesus, I want to become as Jesus. I want to step off this cliff of fear and gain the, "wings of eagles." I have found that reading scriptures and memorizing passages, praying, all such things are good but without the practical application they become void nonsense, a series a repetitions, which neither grows spiritual muscle nor develops spiritual skills. When will we just get out there and “Just do it.” I see that the possibilities are endless; we just have to stop pretending we are at the end.

I know that I tend to be a little ruff with how I tell people these things but it is just how I express myself, maybe someone needs to be a little gruff.


hope said...

wow i definitely agree. i was actually thinking exactly those thoughts last night as you spoke to us after the video. it makes me want to beat the mess out of myself, because I MYSELF do NOT understand what exactly it is that I'm afraid of. I tell myself all the time that I dont care what people think of me, and that I'm not ashamed of Jesus or afraid of what people will think about me if they know who I live for. Yet when it comes to sharing the gospel I just curl up in my own little corner and refuse to bring it up. I know there is nothing more important in this world than sharing Christ with others and loving others, but for some reason I have such a hard time living it and this infuriates me.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

It frusterates me too, this is why I posted to begin with. What is sad is that most of us, as minister, shy away unless we are behind a pulpit or in a class room. Man, we all seem to be a bit pansy like.

David "Tyrone" said...

First, I think it's awesome that you've started this blog. I hope that others within the youth group will use this to get help with their struggles. It seems easier to type out your pain than to say it to someone's face, so hopefully this will be taken advantage of. To me the reason we don't step out is because we're afraid of what the other's response may be. Also, I don't think we're fully putting our trust in Christ, because if we were then it wouldn't matter what the reaction is. I have high hopes for this year, and I'm really enjoying The Way of the Master. I'm ready to see some changes in my high school, and I'm tired of sitting in the back not doing anything.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

David, you hit the nail on the head. We have forgotten or dont know that Christ is the one who offers all these things and will never leave us or forsake us. I mean, let's be real.....the same God that created all that we see wants to give me power to fulfill what I was created almost seems too simple and yet we make it complicated.

Amyk said...

i really like this blog idea....i know for me that im scared what people are gonna afraid that im going to loose people im close to if i share my faith with them....ive already lost a close friend because i dont act like i used to...

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

Amy, I understand. I have family members that I only asume they are saved by comments I have overheard. Very few of my family members have I sat down and acutally asked them point black.

Amyk said...

ive been thinking about it....and i think maybe its human nature to be afraid to go out and talk about were supposed to go and share God's will but our human emotions stop us from doing just that...and to do what we were called here to do we have to put them away.

David "Tyrone" said...

Our emotions can definetely get in the way. But the greatest emotion God gave us is love, and if we can learn to love every person around us, we'll constantly want to share our faith with them. Love binds our faith, love is what shows us that God's promises are real. If He didn't love us then when he promised Abraham that he would "bless him and make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky" (gen 22:17) then he wouldn't of given Abraham many sons. Love is what keeps God from lying, because of God's infinite love for us, it is impossible for Him to lie to us. Love is what sent our Savior to our physical flesh. Love is what took the ruthless beatings and torture. Love is what rose again. Just think of what would happen in our high school if we could begin to care and love for every person there.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

You both make excellent points.
Amy - you hit the nail on the head. We are called to deny ourselves and follow Christ. I think that is part of what Jesus meant about recieving a new life. We cannot see the world around us with our, "Human Eyes," we have to push further to a view from above. I believe this is where David's comments come in to play. The thing that bind us together and strengthens us is our love. A love that is founded in the Love of and for Christ. It compels of to become more of Christ and less of ourselves.

Course, this is all easy to type and much harder to live. Guess that is why Jesus only had a small few of true followers.

Lauren said...

I think that it is hard to share my faith because I sometimes feel that I don't know my own faith. I'm afraid that if I was to ask these questions, then they would ask me a question and I wouldn't know the answer to it. And I would say like "Go ask Josh, he should be able to tell you." But then I feel like I've become dependent on Josh and not on God.

joeellyn said...

:D i found the blog!!

i agree with Amy. i believe that it's harder for me to share my faith with those i know, rather than those i don't know. i'm too afraid of losing someone close to me, or having them reject me for my beliefs.

i know i shouldn't be afraid of losing family members or friends, that i should put all my faith in God. i just don't want to be the person in my group of friends or family that makes everything feel uncomfortable because "i'm just going to try and convert them."

and i also completely agree with everything Lauren said. i feel like i'm not putting my faith in God, i'm becoming too dependent on others around me.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

depency can and will be a crutch, if that is the only stick you grab. I believe that God gives us people who we can glean help from but we must realize they are there by God's gifting. These people cannot become our soul source of power.
I also understand the frusteration of being the Jesus person in your family. Think about this, I am a minsiter so people always feel like they have to be super good or religious around me. Its tough at times and very frusterating.

Lauren said...

Is there a meaning behind the picture?? Just wondering.

emily joy said...

completely agree with amy and jo. it's harder for me to share my fath with people i no. but its also hard for me to share it with people i do no. i really don't hang out with people who . a. don't go to fbc. or b. aren't saved. and i no thats wrong. when we watch the way of the master i just want to get out and share chrsit with others. i think it would be really cool if we could go to the boradwalk some time.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

I just google searched for the real deep reasoning....I thought it was cool......and ....neat-o.

David "Tyrone" said...

This is slightly off topic, but this is something that burdons me... Why is it that in a small town like Center, we continually have this high crime rate? For example, the bomb threat today. There has to be action taken place. Last year the punishment for the crime clearly wasn't enough, because it has happened again. I believe the high crime rate has to do with that fact that we "christians" are so busy sitting in the back not doing anything that satan can just have a field day. This is utterly rediculous that things like this happen in Center, and it's our fault. I may be stepping on some toes, but oh well. What is it going to take for us to not take this anymore? What is the point where we begin to truly live our lives for Christ and begin to share His Word? I myself fall guilty of just letting things that are wrong float by me, because "I don't want to get involved." It is completely hypocritical for me to say I am a believer and follower in Christ, but I am too afraid to step up and say something when things are going wrong around me. Guys, we have to set down ourselves and carry the Cross. After frequent murders, roberies, and now a second bomb threat, it is clear that our town is no longer a "small Jesus town". There are new people coming by the score, and are we even making an attempt to see if they know Christ? Or are we simply distancing ourselves from them because we don't want to be involoved? These are questions that I ask myself daily and I sadly usually fall guilty to them both. But as I've said before, I'm tired of sitting in the back not doing anything, and guys we have a God that will make things happen, it's only a matter of if we really want it, and what we're willing to do to make it happen.

J_STONE said...

I believe that a reason I rarely share my faith, is because that is not something that I have ever been taught how to do. And now that I think about it I think that it is very sad that I have not persued to try to figure it out. That is one reason that I am extremely exiceted about going through the Way of The Master, because it teaches you how to tactfully share your faith.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

Justin, I agree, I was never taught in highschool how to share my faith. I was merely guilt tripped into feeling like I should.

To David's comment. Wow that was a mouth full....little tension? I see your point, I do not know if I completely agree that the problem is all us not doing anything. In fact, many times when we begin to life for Christ satan will do more to attack us. God may also be using this as a tool to get us back on track, almost like a wake up call.

David "Tyrone" said...

I agree with you Josh, satan does begin to attack us more, but isn't it up to us to reject satan and push through for God? I did come off a little harsh, but we have to begin accepting the responsibility that we have as followers of Christ. So often we allow ourselves to brush off things that do not directly effect us.

Anonymous said...

to be honest, i think David is coming on a little too strong. i don't think crime rate has all that much to do with if someone is a Christian or not. it may affect the way people act, or if people chose to commit a crime, but i don't believe that other peoples mistakes should rest souly on the shoulders of Christians. We can't stop everything, and we're not meant to.

but i appreciate David's passion on the subject.

then again, i could be completely wrong.

Joshua, "KumQuat," Broughton said...

Here is the deeper issue, I don't think we are to worry so much about the evil in the world. I believe my job is to counter act that evil with love. For instance, beginning to care for people where I live and do things. Just showing genuine love will become a stark counter point to the evil that we experience. It is good to discuss the issue and to understand the problem but if all we do is dicuss be are in no better place than when we first utter the syllabols.
In summary, it is not the evil that is the issue it is the response to the evil that deines who we are and what we believe.

L.C. said...

O.K. so this is one of my pet-peeves...I guess it just comes with being a politician's daugher all of my life but....
Personally, I feel that the Church and the State are switching roles. It's getting to the point where our government is taking care of people on a personal level and our Church, and we Christians, are being the judges/laying down of the law-ers of the land. It's ridiculous. No I don't believe that by sharing our faith the crime will, necessarily, go down. It's our job to love people and if they reject that love, so be it. We are supposed to be in the world and not of it. BUT...we ARE supposed to be in it. Within it. With people. Loving them. Guess what? We aren't! We hide in our churches and judge people and ourselfs, condemning them, and us, for the mistakes they, and we, make. And if all of this isn't bad enough, the government is taking over what our church should do on its own. What do you think Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare are...They're all things the government had to come up with because nobody else would take the initiative. The government is becoming more of an interpersonal thing than the church. I guess what all of that was for is to say, the church is not responsible for the crime rate...just like the government is not responsible for caring for people. We are supposed to do what we know to do and not blame national problems on ourselves...I'm just saying!

L.C. said...

By the way...I was totally typing my comment when Josh posted his...Me and Jo thought that was funny...He He!

hope said...

I really like this blog. I think its great....really enjoying hearing everyone's thoughts.

hope said...

also....lauren christian, you are BRILLIANT. i completely agree.

emily joy said...

i agree lauren we need to do something about that but what do we do??

i like this blog this i'm with you hope it's nice to hear what every one thinks

David "Tyrone" said...

I think maybe the way I worded what I said is being misunderstood... I completely agree with all of you. I don't mean that we should cuff people up and tell them about Jesus until they go insane lol.. But what I meant to come across is that we should be burdoned by these things that are happening. I appreciate the comments too :D! I was kinda on a sugar high and really aggrivated at the time, sorry if I came off too strong.