I have decided to start something a little different. Go figure. I am going to start writing a story. I will not give you any clues as to why or what the deeper meaning is about. I want you, if you dare, to search through the lines to find the greater significance. Please feel free to discuss, I am hoping it will create some conversation.
All the stories will come from the lives of the members at.......
Grace Bible Believing Holy Ghost Fellowship of the Holy Saints Church.
“Brother Uzeless and His Worthless Rants”
For Brother Uzeless the day began as it normally did. The sun, in his strong opinion, would rise slowly and with no real purpose. It merely was an interference with the single greatest invention of God, sleep. As the sun peeked through the tattered blinds in his house, Brother Uzeless began to ponder all the things that he had to accomplish before the sun set. His main goal for this day was to have a private meeting with the Pastor at Grace Bible Believing Holy Ghost Fellowship of the Holy Saints Church. He had been meaning to talk with him for a while. There were just too many things that, in his strong opinion, were not being handled in a, “Biblical,” manner.
One of the top things on his very long list was the misuse of church’s finances. He had seen the church waste so much money on things such as, the poor, hungry and the homeless. He figured they were all there because of some mistake they made in the past and should have to pay for their mistakes. He tried to convince people of the problem at the last deacons meeting but it didn’t work. The deacons reminded Brother Uzeless that it was the church’s highest calling to take care of such people and that when the church took care of them, they would be fulfilling the will of God. Needless to say, Brother Uzeless and the deacons didn’t see, “Eye to Eye”.
Another problem he had was the morning worship. He longed for the old days when the church would just sit in silence. He had a hard time getting into all this, “Hypity Hoppy,” music. In his strong opinion, there was not need to sing or make noise at all. One could easily worship God without making any form of an utterance. Besides, what about those people who can’t sing? He often thought to himself, “Is it really worship if a dieing animal screaming in pain sounds better?”
Uzeless also had a problem with all the, “Standin and sittin,” done on Sunday morning in the church. His eyes became streaked with red lines every time he saw another one of those, “CrazyMatics,” as he called them, getting too excited about a song. He hated to see them when they would start raising their hands because soon enough they all would stand up and began dancing. It could have been the actual dancing that bothered him or the fact that after three hip replacements, knee surgery and a triple bypass, excitement for him needed some control. In his strong opinion, “The church ended up looking like an insane asylum during happy hour”. That obviously, could not be, “Biblical”.
Soon time crept by. Uzeless began his normal morning routine. He methodically would put one foot at a time in both of his slippers. Once the feet were properly in place, he stretched out his long arms and made a loud growl. As Uzeless got out of the bed it made the same, “Pop! Ping! Pop! Ping!” noise that it had for many years. Uzeless was used to it and didn’t even notice. The rest of the morning's rituals were a well-oiled machine, smooth and precise.
The time finally approached to leave. As he got in his truck he patted his right side shirt pocket to make sure he had his list. It was safe and secure, stuck between a pack of Wrigley’s Spearmint gum and a pair of old reading glasses that were only pulled out when no one was around. A smile slithered across his face. There were so many things that Uzeless wanted to talk to the Pastor about that he blocked off a whole afternoon. A few weeks back he had told the Pastor
“It may take awhile, I got a lot on my chest”.
To which the Pastor had replied, “Well, I hope I can help with the burden”.
His 1976 Ford truck rumbled forward as Brother Uzeless set out for his meeting. Pulling away he thought to himself, in his strong opinion, “The poor man has no idea what’s coming”.