Alright, for now, I will post some more poetry. Just know, I can always resort to stating that I have no more poems. Which would only be a lie if you sifted through my notebooks and translated my handwriting to find out the truth....so ha!. By the way, I thank you all for commenting a little more. It is sad I have to make threats to get you all to talk. But, being mean, I can threaten all I want.
I do want to ask for a moment of silence. It is not just for my beloved Tigers who lost to a filthy vermin know as a razorback nor is it because I rode 4 1/2 hours to see my team go down in triple over time. I can handle such wretched truths in life. I am calling for a moment of silence for all those people who find it humorous to belittle my weak heart and make the tragic events of last Friday a mockery. So, before you read the follow lines......please pause.....enjoy the silence......and remember....even Youth Minister with amazing ninja skilz.....bleed....
This was written about 6 months before I moved to Center.
"Just Let Go"
I see the cliff before me
Its sharp edges pierce my toes
I can feel the air around me
blowing through my hair
My eyes fill with moist fear
running down the curves of my bravery
I cling to the memories
and reasons to stay here
'Don't make me jump," I scream
in the darkness of echoes
I scream it louder
until my voice becomes an inaudible vibrations in the air
I can not see the bottom
the unknown convinces my assumptions
then a voice like thunder whispers in
my ear
let go
let go
let go
I look into the sky and cry for a sign
a dove or eagle, an olive branch
then the soft whisper of thunder blew through
my ear as a mother who calls her
crying child
"I am with you,"
I look again into the darkness
a little closer it seems
because I swear in the nothingness I see
open hands, palms up and a voice says
so I closed my eyes
and never touched the ground.
April 9, 2006