Monday, November 26, 2007

Just let Go

Alright, for now, I will post some more poetry. Just know, I can always resort to stating that I have no more poems. Which would only be a lie if you sifted through my notebooks and translated my handwriting to find out the ha!. By the way, I thank you all for commenting a little more. It is sad I have to make threats to get you all to talk. But, being mean, I can threaten all I want.
I do want to ask for a moment of silence. It is not just for my beloved Tigers who lost to a filthy vermin know as a razorback nor is it because I rode 4 1/2 hours to see my team go down in triple over time. I can handle such wretched truths in life. I am calling for a moment of silence for all those people who find it humorous to belittle my weak heart and make the tragic events of last Friday a mockery. So, before you read the follow lines......please pause.....enjoy the silence......and remember....even Youth Minister with amazing ninja skilz.....bleed....

This was written about 6 months before I moved to Center.

"Just Let Go"

I see the cliff before me
Its sharp edges pierce my toes
I can feel the air around me
blowing through my hair
My eyes fill with moist fear
running down the curves of my bravery
I cling to the memories
and reasons to stay here
'Don't make me jump," I scream
in the darkness of echoes
I scream it louder
until my voice becomes an inaudible vibrations in the air
I can not see the bottom
the unknown convinces my assumptions
then a voice like thunder whispers in
my ear
let go
let go
let go
I look into the sky and cry for a sign
a dove or eagle, an olive branch
then the soft whisper of thunder blew through
my ear as a mother who calls her
crying child
"I am with you,"
I look again into the darkness
a little closer it seems
because I swear in the nothingness I see
open hands, palms up and a voice says
so I closed my eyes
and never touched the ground.
April 9, 2006

Monday, November 19, 2007

Two Things Seperated by Something that Combines

I am not sure if I will continue to put my poems on here, I do not want this to be seen as vanity. I actually express myself best in verse. If you are enjoying the poetry let me know. By the way, a lot of you are reading and yet not responding. There is no problem with that, I just wanted a place where there could be a community of thought and discussion. What am I saying, please continue to read but I would love some conversation as well.

I wrote this one recently ........

We follow in accordance
standing two by two
placing our hands towards Heaven
but none of its for you

Our tears are rivers of complacency
Dry rivers that do not flow
Except when eyes behold
The person they think I know

We lift our voice to Heaven
But our hearts are set in Hell
Wanting only to be glorified
by no one but myself.

Here is another poem, just to stir things up a bit.........!

I see
feel the very semantics that you spit
nothing will stop the long rattle of
your high pitched vocal breathes
Just move
run from the very ground you tilled for me to fall in
such deep holes are rarely seen
and many times deadly
I hear
echoed the vibrations that reverberated
breaking the sound barriers of my soul
and building a thicker wall of stone
I long
crave something more sincere than could ever be
The tears that fall are painted strokes of deceptions right
and I can see the true reflection

Monday, November 12, 2007

Something New to Ponder

Softly and tenderly
sweet nothing is calling
not to home but far abroad
promising gold but giving glitter
promising love but leaving void
empty I feel and pain I know
from my choice
my fault
my temptation
I become
Softly and tenderly
sweet nothing is calling
not to safety but to a fire
offering peace but providing chaos
offering grace but breaking my back
stoic I stare into the deep chasm
from which I must leave
to go somewhere
to anywhere
to my mind
I run from
Softly and painfully
sweet reality knocks
not to comfort but to enlighten
promising truth and proving sound
promising strength and holding firm
secure I lay upon a rock
that holds me
pardons me
supports me
and my rest
Softly and tenderly
sweet nothing is calling
not to pass but to fail
exposing cross-dressed lies
that paint color where skin should be
now I see
the broken
the pale
the wretched
I use to be
Softly and tenderly
sweet redemption is calling
not by pain but through grace
providing freedom and swelling my eyes
providing newness and wiping them away
tired I fall by revelation deeper than time
to my knees
on my hands
my face kisses the earth

Friday, November 2, 2007

A poem

I am honestly nervous about this post. Just read it honestly and comment if you like.
* This was written after Pope John II past away.*

His praises rise to Heaven
tripling off the tongues of honored guest
locked within a cypress tomb,
tucked into the depths of stone
as a god, he is glorified, revered,
like a king
his subjects bending with broken backs
to kiss the feet of sanctity
Poor mourners of forgotten losses
bones do not hold the soul
where dust and moth collect
they dance alone in soil.
His life is considered righteous
concerning his deeds of grace
denied himself to loving another
given to those who know it not
as a man he is glorified, revered,
like a king
his subjects choosing their idol graves
to pretend to become holy
they stand to honor a man
judging him with tears of supposed understanding
stuck in a dark room,
blinded to a light they cannot see
Poor mourners of forgotten losses
bones do not hold the soul
where dust and moth collect
they dance alone in soil.